Longford, Ireland Review
Next up was Leroy Troy and The Tennessee Mafia Jug Band. In addition to having the best name of any act performing at the festival, the boys produced the most colourful and downright fun performance of the night.
Looking like they had just been plucked straight from a farm in the Southern US, the group had the audience under a spell from the opener, a song about “going down to Union County to see my Suzanne.”
Their boisterous set couldn’t fail to put a smile on the audience’s face. One of the elderly group members leapt off the stage to dance among the audience at one point. Another song was performed “just as it might sound on an old record,” with the needle skipping to hilarious effect. A washboard was produced on tune, along with a bicycle horn. “We might not be good but we can certainly entertain,” said one of the performers between songs. The first part of that statement was too modest. The second part couldn’t have been more accurate. – by Adrian Cusack
Press Received
“You’ll pay for the whole seat…..But you’ll only need the edge!!!” – Toronto Courier Democratic Free Press.
“Two fingers up! way up!” – Enos & Rupert
“A screwball comedy. The feel good hit of the summer! A madcap farce!” – Gene Scallop, WNBC
“It’s a good thing!” – Martha Stewart, Camp Cupcake
“Leroy really captured the role; Lester, I smell an oscar……or I really don’t know what that is I smell?” – Jimmy Carter, WSMV
“Three stumblebum musicians go on a quest for a great sounding musical and come up with this! Masterpiece!!” – Entertainment Tonight
“When I’m not presidenting or taking a break from my officious duties I slap these boy’s in the iPod and feel that Mexirican soul pour out. Oh wait, that’s Los Lobos…” – Presidente El George Bushe
“I’m looking for Jug Band material to broadcast on the Pappy O’Daniel Flour Hour. You see, people can’t seem to get enough of it since we started broadcastin'” – Manager WEZY Radio
“ZOOT REET!!!” – Godfather of Jug Band Music